UK Patent granted

UK Patent granted for the technology that drives Airshield

We are delighted to announce that UK Patent number GB 2597968 has been granted for the technology that drives Airshield.  


Airshield is a unique capture-at-source air protection device that creates a downward moving flow of laminar air, to catch and remove the aerosols that could otherwise carry the Covid virus and other pathogens from person to person when they meet.


The efficacy of Airshield has been independently tested by the Medical Technologies Innovation Facility at Nottingham Trent University, which demonstrated that Airshield catches 99% of the aerosols that can carry the virus from person to person when meeting, giving substantially better protection than a surgical mask, visor or plastic screen.


Airshield will protect vulnerable professionals like doctors and pharmacists from becoming super-spreaders of viruses and allow these critical areas to continue without risk of becoming centres of transmission.


Airshield has been independently tested

In order to verify Airshield's efficacy Nottingham Trent University' was commissioned to undertake rigorous testing.

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Latest news

UK Patent granted

UK Patent granted

UK Patent granted for the technology that drives Airshield

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Airshield has been independently tested

Airshield has been independently tested

In order to verify Airshield's efficacy Nottingham Trent University' was commissioned to undertake rigorous testing.

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Meet Airshield's Inventor

Meet Airshield's Inventor

Our managing director Nigel Shepherd has applied his strong engineering principles throughout his career

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Trademark obtained

Trademark obtained

Virus catching technology that will enable patients to see their doctors safely is being developed for manufacture in the UK

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